viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015

Education In Honduras of 80's.

By Sandra Casco
Why do we talk about the education of the 80's?
Because I think It's important we know the kind of education that teachers taught at school and high school at those times, and how the courses were distributed.

Well,  I am going to talk about my investigation. I interviewed some people who studied in 80's. Domitila Reyes was first person who I interviewed. She is my mom and She is fifty years old. She is housewife and she studied at Jose Cecilio del Valle school in Soledad, El Paraiso town. She told me about her childhood in the school. She said that "The teachers were more stricts but also They were very responsable with their work". "When I was 8 years old I must have done the meat  before I went to the school".
Beforehand there were two days trip, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The uniform was not an obligation for students because the children's parents didn't have money for buy new uniforms for them.

In Honduras, the education system has some years of delay of education, compared with others countries. The educative regimen that our country had, it is totally obsolet, It declined the educative process because there were some teachers followed a strict process of teaching where students only are sat on a chair and writing what a teacher wrote on the board. Students couldn't express freely their opinion, they didn't have right to speak. The teaching methods were not adequate for good learning of the students, so they had to memorize everything and obligated to repeat when the teacher asked about any topic, but also there were excellent teachers who were worried for learning of their students.

In the decade of the 80's there were a lot of unlettered people . This people did not have access to public
education, because they were very poor. They didn't have money for buy notebooks,
uniforms, shoes, etc. The schools were ubicated away in large distances. Public transportation was expensive for them. And when they had the opportunity to transport to other place, there was just a few little buses. These are the reasons why many people could not study in the decades of 80's.

1 comentario:

  1. Interesting I see you changed your post and is better now you need to rewrite it to correct sentence structure and spelling to make it perfect, your word spellcheck can help you.
